Thursday Hip Hop. Hip HAWP.
After work you should make an attempt to eat something delicious... and I'm talking about stuff like potato chip nachos. Macadamia nut crusted warm brie with honey and basalmic vinegar. Etc. Kincaids! Pupus are half-price and YES it's a ZONE event... but good is good-- and those eats are damn good. I've been loving that spot for years. Proof.
TONIGHT as in late nite is another fantastic hip hop show that you won't regret seeing at Next Door. Pharcyde's Fatlip is there with OMNI who has been known to cahoot with the likes of Aceyalone [ahem, the best kept secret in hip hop but whatever]. Side note: hip hop show is the most underestimated source of pure unadulterated GOOD there is. Never not fun... especially the underground shows at Next Door. Good vibe. AMAZING vibe. Much love. Much energy. Much dancing.
I'll be all up in that mix.