Nateo Updateo
Happy Tuesday!
I got an update from my old friend Nate Sherwood. That kid gets so much friggin slack from people. He's one of those 'energetic' types that I tend to migrate towards. Whatever man. He's smarter than you give him credit for and he is by far the most adorably manic man in skateboarding. His words:
Christa I am up to my neck in shit School Psychology to be exact.
Skating/ finishing up American misfits this season. Celebrating my
411 part being out Wrenching hard on TWS stuff. Writing my novel as well when Time permits. Looking for a job in sales marketing design advertising and or anything Skate.
I as well been firing off emails and letting humans know how I feel about bullshit. A small sample is under me. I been trying to do my thing and By looking at Shad on your page he helped me back a shit load on my Apple stock that I bought 2 years ago at 50 bucks a share and is now up to 132 last I looked. Thanks Shad. I as well been running the hustle and living as I do here. I A am a member of a billiards league with the great one Matt Hensley and We travel around to pubs and shoot stick and drink beer it is great.
Thanks Nate! Always good to hear from you honey.
Live indie rock bands at Next Door tonight, where it's 18+ all summer... also something at Pipeline... something at Thurtyninehotel... something at Indigo... etc. etc. ... sorry, I'm in a hurry :)